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Repair/Service Manuals

Browse through thousands of free car service manuals by manufacturer

What Is ServicingManuals.com?

With its army of community members, ServicingManuals.com has amassed a library of repair/service manuals for the most popular makes and models of car.

For convenience, this site focuses only on service manuals to make them a lot easier to find.

To make sure that the documents can be readable on pretty much every device they are stored as PDFs.

This awesome resource is free for everybody to access and use with the large server costs covered by advertising.

To get started simply use the search tool above or browse through the popular models listed further down the page.

You can also jump straight to the search page to view all of the manufacturers we have manuals for.

Have a rare manual? Submit it to help others who may be stuck on the submit page.

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Audi Buick Hyundai Peugeot Subaru Suzuki

What is a Service Manual?

Service manuals are put together by either the manufacturer or a 3rd party and contain information about maintenance and repair.

Typically a workshop manual will contain general maintenance information and a factory service manual is more in-depth.

Where Can I Download a Service Manual?

Service manuals can be hard to find and various different version can exist, published by the manufacturer and 3rd parties like Haynes

On this site we try to catalog as many different versions for as many different cars as possible, listed by the relevant model and year..

What Does This Site Do?

On this site you can find repair and service manuals to download totally free of charge in PDF format.

We go around documenting the popular makes and models of car and some vans, listing the service manuals so they can easily be found.